How to update the ANPR Lumo

This article will help you step by step updating the ANPR Lumo to the latest version. 

You can use these steps also to recover the camera, when for example the camera does not work anymore, but still the IP address is available.

Update info

A typical update takes around 10 to 15 minutes, during this time the ANPR Lumo will not read number plates, and all features including the web interface will not work.

Important note
Make sure that you first make a backup of the camera. 
After the update it could be necessary to refresh your browser (chrome = shift+ctrl+r)

Update through the web interface

From version 4.5.0 the ANPR Lumo can be updated through the web interface.

In the menu "SYSTEM SETTINGS" under the item "SYSTEM" you will find the "UPDATE SOFTWARE" button.

Here you select the .zip file you want to upload, do not use the .sh file. 


After pressing the "UPDATE" button, first the file will be send to the camera, then the camera will install the software.


Depending of the file selected an update can take between 1 and 20 minutes. Do not power cycle the camera in that period.

Update using the discovery tool

Start the ANPR Discovery tool and search for camera’s or press the + button to manually add the ip address of the Lumo camera you want to update.

System password

To update an ANPR Lumo camera, you will need the system password, this is the password for the “root” user, which is required to update the camera. The default “root” password is “#vc_root”

  1. Select the camera you want to update, and select the “UPDATE” tab on the right menu.
  2. Select the sh file you want to use for the update, the sh file is in the zip file located on the partner portal.
  3. Type in the root password
  4. Press the “Update LUMO” button.

add and select the camera you want to update


Go to the update tab, and select the file, and fill in the correct password for the root user.

Then press the "Update LUMO" button


You will be prompted with a warning message, press the "Yes" button to continue.


During the update progress a screen is showed, showing all the steps that the camera is performing


When the update is done, the camera will restart. 


Note: after the update it is recommended to refresh your browser cache. In chrome you can do a refresh by pressing "shift + ctrl + r".

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